All our projects have been realised thanks to large donations.

Write or call us

Ilaria Tordone
Head of Legacies and Major Donors

Archive of our completed projects

Here you will find some examples of Large Projects that we have implemented in the last few years thanks to our Major Donors.

Contact us to find out about our ongoing projects.


Research Witout Animals

We have been fighting against animal experimentation for over 40 years. Our goal is to free all animals that are still victims of experimentation, and to make people aware that scientific research without animals already exists, and that LAV actively promotes and supports it.


Emergency Unit

Our Emergency Unit is equipped with veterinary rescue vehicles, a mobile tent, and other vehicles. It provides immediate relief to animals in any situation, from conflicts to natural disasters, or by sending funds to shelters and entities in need, both nationally and internationally.


Animal Rehabilitation

In the world of animal experimentation, the recovery of primates is less than 0.01% as they are usually killed or sold for other tests. LAV has been involved for years in the recovery and rehabilitation of animals rescued from laboratories. Primates, in particular, are complex species and they need a long recovery process, dealing with the physical and psychological aspects of animals that have lived locked up in enclosures.