Home | News | Toxic Fur: Italian Ministry of Health bans the sale of products reported by us

Toxic Fur: Italian Ministry of Health bans the sale of products reported by us

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Last Updated

February 26, 2015 Thursday


Children's health is at risk due to the potentially toxic and carcinogenic chemical substances found in the animal fur components of certain articles of clothing for small children (24 - 36 months) with the well-known labels of “D&G”, “BLUMARINE BABY”, “WOOLRICH”: the Ministry of Health's stop decision for the reported products finally came now after we exposed a few months ago in which some samples of these brands were subjected to rigorous independent laboratory tests (Toxic Fur 2 investigation).

In fact, the Ministry of Health has notified the companies "D&G”, “BLUMARINE BABY”, “WOOLRICH” to ban sales of their baby clothing with animal fur subject to LAV's investigation.

"Once again we have demonstrated that in all clothing products containing animal fur, even those of luxury brands, it is possible to find chemical substances classified as toxic and carcinogenic - Simone Pavesi, Head of LAV's Fur Free Campaign, declares - The Ministry of Health must intervene to ban not only the sales of tested products, but also the production and the business of any and all fur products: this episode is only the tip of the iceberg that confirms that we must leave fur on animals!"