Home | News | Stop live animals export! On the Italian TV, shocking evidence of brutal treatment, filmed by Animals International

Stop live animals export! On the Italian TV, shocking evidence of brutal treatment, filmed by Animals International

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Last Updated

April 23, 2019 Tuesday


Italian cattle brutally slaughtered while fully conscious in a slaughterhouse and butcher shop. The animals are tied with a rope around their neck to a pillar or wall. As the animals are not adequately restrained, fearful workers stab at the animals’ throats, ripping the knife down causing pain and prolonged suffering to these fully conscious animals.

This is the evidence filmed by Animals International in Gaza, and recently shown by “Striscia La Notizia” on the Italian TV channel, Canale 5.

Thanks to Animals International’s investigations, and in cooperation with LAV and CIWF Italy, Striscia La Notizia’s correspondent for animal rights, Edoardo Stoppa, has conducted an exclusive reportage, disclosing to a large public in Italy the brutal reality of live animals export and their slaughtering in third countries.

As documented by Animals International, in third countries the slaughter of animals is mostly unregulated - not only in Gaza but also in Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey and Egypt - where Italy sent about 10.000 cattle last year. In Egypt it is still common practice for workers to stab animals in their eyes and slash their tendons in order to control them before the throat cut.

How is it possible that in such countries, Italian exported animals are subjected to brutal treatment that would be deemed unacceptable and illegal within the EU?

We ask the Italian Government to immediately stop live animals export to third countries where there is sound evidence that their rights are constantly violated!