Home | News | LAV victory: the State Council suspends tests on macaque monkeys again

LAV victory: the State Council suspends tests on macaque monkeys again

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Last Updated

October 09, 2020 Friday


The State council has overturned the ruling of last May's TAR, in concordance with the LAVs findings and has therefore ordered (after the sentence from last January), a second suspension of the notorious experiments made on macaque monkeys at the University of Turin currently undertaken at the University of Parma.

In light of the legal evidence that has since emerged, the supreme administrative justice body orders that experiments be immediately stopped, and has requested a "careful analytical and scientific study" to be made by a neutral third party that will communicate results with all factions. This is a victory for LAV, who has made similar requests in the past, even though they have fallen on deaf ears.

A LAV representative stated "it is no longer possible to blindly accept that researchers do not comply with the law and that the Ministry of Health can permit photocopied authorizations without completing the correct prior check".

Extremely significant, is the fact that the State Council, in ruling an urgent postponement of the research, may cause the universities to lose part of the European Union funding already received totalling two million Euros, "even though, it should be noted that this is a small sentence compared to the blindness inflicted on six innocent souls, who experienced considerable suffering (only ended by subsequent death)”.