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The 16 macaque monkeys from modena university are safe

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November 21, 2016 Monday


 The 16 macaque monkeys from the University of Modena are safe at last. The announcement was made by the LAV, which also reveals the new home of these primates. 

After a protest campaign lasting years, the University and the Municipality of Modena, actuating an Agreement which stipulated the suspension of all tests on non human primates in 2015, have entrusted these animals to the LAV, judged by the technical and veterinarian Committee to have presented the best proposal for assuring a serene existence to the Macaques.  

The LAV, a non profit organization acknowledged by the Departments of Health and the Environment, funded by its members and supporters, is therefore committed to providing for the needs of these animals for the rest of their lives, in collaboration with the refuge for wild and exotic animals located in Semproniano, in Maremma.
“This happy-ending story is even more extraordinary in view of the latest official  figures released by the Health Department regarding the use of animals for experimental purposes, which reveals an increase in the number of macaques in Italian laboratories: tragically, in fact, the number of macaques has risen from 302 in 2012 to almost 450 in 2014 - the LAV explains – An unexpected increase in experimentation, especially in the light of a Law (Legislative Decree no.26/2014) aimed at greatly restricting, at least officially, the use of this species which, sadly, continues to be imported from problematic areas of the world lacking in controls, such as Africa (246) and Asia (196)”.
“The commitment to reduce and replace these animals in research activities carried out in our country continues to be no more than a slogan, as demonstrated by these statistics, a principle which is disregarded owing to a lack of proper training, a cultural gap and economic interests, leaving our country anchored to a model of research based on the use of animals, which is scientifically outdated, with the risk of  failure and/or delays in identifying efficacious treatments - explains Michela Kuan, biologist, LAV Area manager for research without animals – In this context, the release of the 16 macaques by the University of Modena represents an important landmark; a drop in the ocean, it is true; but let us not forget that it is also thanks to our commitment and our perseverance that we have managed to achieve such a remarkable result which, only a few years ago, would have been unhoped-for: the permanent closure of the Green Hill breeding farm, the confirmation of the sentence on appeal and the adoption by families of all 2600 beagles, as well as the legal prohibition of dog and monkey breeding for experimental purposes. Now we have saved the lives of these 16 macaques but, in recent times, we have also taken care of laboratory cats and mice: the relocation or adoption of these animals, in conformity with their ethological characteristics requires a commitment and an ability that need to be encouraged and supported”.