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Rabbit meat, video-inquiry by LAV and Animal Equality

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Last Updated

November 05, 2015 Thursday


Rabbits reared in complete lack of rules and control, without space and in unhygienic conditions, immersed in hairs, litter and flies, with breeding does artificially inseminated throughout their life, kittens separated from their mothers ahead of time, where diseases outbreaks are business as usual, where the journey to the slaughterhouse of healthy and sick rabbits alike adds to the suffering in the short life of these "meat" animals.

This is the reality documented by the striking video-inquiry carried out in Italy by LAV and Animal Equality in some large Italian rearing farms, including the sage of transport and slaughtering of the rabbits.

To put an end to their suffering, the two associations have launched the dedicated information website www.coraggioconiglio.it where you can find information and sign the petition to urge the Government and Parliament to draft a law recognising these rodents the status of pet animals.