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Fur, Prada meets LAV

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September 20, 2018 Thursday


Today, as the prominent fashion company launches its new collection at Milan Fashion Week (Women's Fashion Spring-Summer 2019) and while continuing the global campaign to raise awareness of the company started at the New York FW on September 6 by the FFA – the Fur Free Alliance, the international coalition that brings together dozens of NGOs in the world - we can announce that PRADA has agreed a first meeting with LAV .

Following the contacts made lately with the top management of the company, LAV - as "ambassador" of the FFA - in the coming days will meet Prada and ask for the abandonment of animal fur, as requested by thousands of people around the world.

This will be a first interlocutory meeting, showing the commitment already announced by Prada in the September 11 press release, following which we hope that Prada can come to a total fur-free choice and consolidate it with a specific commitment.