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OVS consolidates its fur-free policy with LAV and Fur Free Alliance

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Last Updated

November 29, 2016 Tuesday


OVS Ltd, already having abolished the use of animal fur in its collections, is making a final step towards signing a formal agreement with LAV and the Fur Free Alliance. This reflects their focus on the protection of and respect for the environment and the animal world. OVS Ltd’s “animal friendly” policy covers all of the products within the company’s brands: OVS, OVS kids, UPIM, Blukids.

OVS Ltd has adhered to the Fur Free Retailer international standards (specifically committing to replace animal furs) and to Animal Free Fashion (the first fashion rating, developed by LAV attaches value to Social Responsibility policies on materials of animal origin that a company agrees not to use: V no fur; VV no fur or feathers; VVV no fur, feathers, leather or silk; VVV+ no fur, feathers, leather, silk or wool).

 LAV and the Fur Free Alliance thank OVS Ltd for having publicly taken this position against the exploitation of animals for their fur, an opinion shared by the majority of Italians, which is confirmed every year by Eurispes (Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies).