Home | News | Kronos joins the rating service of "Animal Free Fashion", a project promoted by LAV

Kronos joins the rating service of "Animal Free Fashion", a project promoted by LAV

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June 08, 2022 Wednesday


Nice Footwear SpA is participating in the Animal Free Fashion initiative, promoted by LAV, for the Kronos brand: the brand has been awarded the highest rating, VVV +. This means that no material of animal origin is used for the production of the footwear of the Kronos brand.

Animal Free Fashion is an initiative launched in 2015 by LAV, with the aim of promoting responsible fashion without animal materials (Animal Derived Materials - ADMs). It is aimed at companies in the clothing and footwear sectors, but also targets the furniture sector and any other commercial sectors where ADMs are used. By accompanying companies in a process of gradual elimination of animal materials from their collections, LAV enhances their commitment with its own ethical rating based on the non-use of materials of animal origin. There are 4 sequential levels: V replacement of “animal fur”, VV “feather”, VVV “skin”, VVV + “wool, silk and other yarns”. This is a virtuous system since all rated companies have at least stopped using animal "fur", and therefore allows consumers to clearly identify the ethical commercial policies of fashion companies. The Kronos brand has passed the adhesion phase and was awarded the highest rating (VVV +).

Starting from Spring Summer 2023 Nice Footwear will communicate its ethical commitment by using the Animal Free label on Kronos footwear.

“This is a fundamental milestone for the Company and for the Kronos brand, and a further step forward towards ethical and responsible fashion. Nice Footwear has always been committed to respecting the environment and animal rights; traceability and transparency are the cornerstone of our production process. Joining the Animal Free Fashion initiative is a necessary step towards achieving a 100% sustainable brand ”, stated Bruno Conterno, CEO and Founder of the company.

“Kronos' Animal Free choice is in step with the times and responds to a growing demand for more sustainable fashion products. It is also a forward-looking decision that is consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals by moving away from unsustainable practices. Sustainability, ethics and consistency are keywords for leading brands like Kronos that can shape their business models based on respect for the environment and animals - values that are becoming increasingly established in society ", declares Simone Pavesi, Head of the Animal Free Fashion Area for LAV.