Home | News | Giorgio Armani goes fur free: never again will animal furs be presented in the collections

Giorgio Armani goes fur free: never again will animal furs be presented in the collections

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March 22, 2016 Tuesday


An historical turning point for the Giorgio Armani Maison, and one that is destined to make international news: the LAV, together with FurFreeAlliance, is pleased to announce the total elimination of animal fur from all products manufactured by the Armani Group, starting from the 2016/2017 Autumn-Winter season. 

“I am pleased to announce the tangible commitment of the Armani Group to totally ban the use of animal furs from its collections. The technological progress achieved in recent years has supplied us with valid alternatives which have supplanted the use of any practices likely to involve cruelty to animals. Pursuing the virtuous process undertaken some time ago, today my company has taken an important step forward, one which testifies to a keen concern for such issues as environmental protection and respect for the animal world” declared Giorgio Armani.

“A decision that does credit to the Maison Armani and endorses the strategy already pursued and consolidated by the LAV in many years of anti-fur campaigns worldwide, in favour of ethical, responsible and sustainable fashion, in other words “animal-free”  – states Simone Pavesi, LAV Manager for Animal Free Fashion – Fans of the Armani style will be enthusiastic: the fashion “King”, loved and acclaimed worldwide, has taken a decision of great style.  It is an unmistakable message for the industry as a whole, following years of prompting in favour of cruelty-free production, and bearing in mind that around 95 million minks, foxes and other animals are slaughtered every year worldwide for their fur, with Europe and China positioned as the world’s leading fur producers.”