Home | News | First victory: Italian Council of Ministers launches the new Law on wild and exotic animals

First victory: Italian Council of Ministers launches the new Law on wild and exotic animals

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Last Updated

May 06, 2022 Friday


More protection for animals, more protection of human health, more prevention of epidemics and pandemics such as Covid, Sars, Mers, Nipah.

This was decided by the Council of Ministers which yesterday approved three draft legislative decrees proposed by the Minister of Health Speranza, in application of the European Regulation 429/2016 and the European Delegation Law 53/2019.

This is a second important result of our Campaign #ACasaLoro to stop the capture in the wild and the captive breeding of exotic, wild and hybrid animals. In fact, to protect everyone, it will finally be possible to prevent new entrances, for the detention of these animals in the homes of Italians.

In the coming weeks, the drafts will be examined by the parliamentary commissions and by the Regions before returning to the Council of Ministers and becoming law.

We will keep working and propose further improvements to the Legislative Decrees.