Home | News | Ferragamo says goodbye to kangaroo skin. A victory for kangaroos

Ferragamo says goodbye to kangaroo skin. A victory for kangaroos

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Last Updated

October 20, 2020 Tuesday


Ferragamo's decision was made in the context of a Sustainability path that the company has been involved in for some time, and which reinforces LAV's request to the Italian government to ban the trade in kangaroo skins of which Italy is still the main European importing country.

"In 2019 we denounced the dramatic reality of productions that use kangaroo leather, also through the documentary-truth 'Kangaroo a love-hate story' - says Simone Pavesi, LAV’s Animal Free Fashion manager - We consider it very appreciable that a worldwide company as Salvatore Ferragamo has made this decision. The current context of international emergency Covid19, moreover, requires a broad reflection on the link between viruses and wild animals, as indicated in the LAV Manifesto 'NON COME PRIMA’ (‘Not as before').

The Commercial Kangaroo Industry (for the production of skins but also meat) in addition to being cruel, involves a high bacterial load for the animal carcasses due to the logistical, transport and slaughtering conditions: consumers have the right to know the reality of this production, and the commitment of companies to reach new sustainability goals is a path that is not only necessary but increasingly urgent".