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End The Cage Age: an extraordinary result for animals

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June 30, 2021 Wednesday


The end of the cage age for 300 million farm animals has been announced today by European Commissioner Stella Kyriakidou, who welcomed the request brough forward by the European citizens initiative End The Cage Age and supported by more than 170 organisations across the EU.

This memorable result has been possible thanks to the signatures of almost 1.5 million EU citizens, collected with the joint efforts of hundreds of organisations and thousands of volunteers with the following objective in mind: a total ban on the use of cages, true prisons for 300 million animals, among which hens, sows, rabbits, geese, ducks and quails, who are confined in the cages of European farms each year. 

Thanks to this important movement, these animals will not be forced in cages anymore. This represents the greatest setback in industrial farming since its inception and testifies that citizens and European institutions alike are becoming increasingly concerned with the conditions of animals kept for farming.

LAV has supported this battle throughout the process: from the collection of signatures to the advocacy and lobby activities on European as well as Italian institutions. We truly believed in this movement gathered around an intermediate yet ambitious objective: to end the cage age for 300 million farm animals across the EU.

Today is an incredible day in the animal movement history that brings us one step closer to end animal exploitation in farming.

Indeed, we trust that this result represents a very important step towards the end of animal exploitation in farming and the recognition of animal rights. Full of joy for this historic change, we will keep on fighting to create a world where each and every animal is free.

Last but not least, we wish to thank all LAV volunteers that used their time and spared no effort to collect as many signatures as possible, together with our supporters and associates. And many thanks to all citizens that contributed to this incredible result with their signature, and to all journalists that decided to talk about this incredible battle.

Thanks to all of you who engaged for creating a better world for animals!

Roberto Bennati
General Manager LAV