Home | News | Covid and mink farming: the EU is moving towards the ban of fur farming

Covid and mink farming: the EU is moving towards the ban of fur farming

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Last Updated

June 29, 2021 Tuesday


The European Ministers of Agriculture have formally asked the EU Commission to launch a legislative proposal to ban minks farming.

The initiative, promoted by the Netherlands, Austria and signed by the majority of Member States, stand on both ethical reasons, such as animal welfare, and on public health protection from the risk of Covid-19 spreading and the development on new variantes.Only Lithuania, Romania and Greece opposed the proposal. Denmark abstained.

The declaration of the Italian Minister Stefano Patuanelli is significant: "the breeding of animals for fur is no longer acceptable and Italy will give its maximum support to reach the European ban on it".

Now, waiting for the European legislative initiative, we ask the Italian Government - specifically the Ministers Patuanelli and Speranza - to promote in our Country a legislative initiative to immediately introduce the definitive ban on mink farming in Italy.