Home | News | Animals in the Italian Constitution: March 9th, LAV Conference at the Senate & online, with simultaneous English translation

Animals in the Italian Constitution: March 9th, LAV Conference at the Senate & online, with simultaneous English translation

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Last Updated

March 10, 2022 Thursday


What important changes will occurr from the 9th of March, when will become offical the recently approved modifications to the Italian Constitution that list animal protection, environment, biodiversity and ecosystems among the State Fundamental Principles?

This question has been discussed and debated on the same day, during a conference organised by LAV - who wrote and deposited in 1998 the first ever italian Draft-Law for the recognition of animals in the Constitution. The event,  took place at the Italian Senate, in the same building where the Constitutional Chart has been signed on late December 1947.

The event was introduced and moderated by Gianluca Felicetti, LAV President, and Carla Campanaro, LAV Legal Office Manager.

Reineke Hameleers (Eurogroup for Animals Director) and Massimiliano Conti (Commander of Carabinieri CITES Task Force) took part at the event for an introductive address speech.

Following speakers were Professors Diana Cerini (Bicocca University Milan), Francesca Rescigno (Bologna University), Maria Vittoria Ferroni (La Sapienza University of Rome), Luigi Lombardi Vallauri (formerly University of Firenze and Cattolica University of Milan), Alessandra Valastro (UniPerugia), Sanja Bogojevic (Oxford University). On behalf of the Political Groups that supported the Constitutional Law approval process, partecipated also some MPs that signed the Draft-bill: Sen. Loredana De Petris, Dep. Alessandra Maiorino, Dep. Valentina Corneli, Dep. Patrizia Prestipino, Dep. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, Dep. Doriana Sarli, Sen. Rossella Muroni and Sen. Gianluca Perilli.