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Italy, an announced tragedy: tamer killed by 4 tigers. Stop circus with animals!

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July 05, 2019 Friday


The umpteenth incident, or rather an announced tragedy, in the circus world: this time the victim is a human, a tamer torn by four tigers from a circus waiting in the province of Bari 

"We express regret for the death of the trainer Ettore Weber - declares LAV - this sad event that fortunately did not involve spectators, shows that more and more, the circuses with animals represent a place, not only of confinement, forced training and suffering for animals , but also a place of death ".

LAV urgently asks all political forces to approve the Delegation Law and the related Legislative Decree announced by Minister Bonisoli for the complete disposal, in a short time, of animals from circuses.

"This epochal change in our country will represent not only the end of a ridiculous and inhuman entertainment system, but it will be a first step towards a conversion and a revival of a fun, traditional and fascinating show, totally human - continues LAV and concludes - we also ask that the 4 tigers involved in this incident, completely predictable if we consider that we are talking about exotic animals, classified by the Law as dangerous, subjected to conditioning incompatible with their ethological characteristics, are saved and immediately brought away from this circus and are relocated to a place suited to their natural needs ”.