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Trying to save Australian animals, we are acting both institutionally and commercially

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Last Updated

January 09, 2020 Thursday


This week we addressed an appeal to “Stop hunting kangaroos in a land devasted by tremendous fires” to the Australian Ambassador in Italy, Gregory Alan French, to limit the huge impact of the disaster occurring from months in Australia on the population of marsupials.

And today we have issued a video-appeal with a witness of the kangaroo slaughter and protagonist of “Kangaroo, A Love-Hate Story” movie, calling to Italian sport brands Lotto and Dainese: “The impact of the wild fires on the population of kangaroos has been enormous; still, hunting activities for exporting kangaroo’s leather go on. We ask Lotto and Dainese to stop using that leather in their products: we have to stop this trade before it gets too late. And we need your help”.

Italy is currently the biggest importer of kangaroo’s leather in Europe, mostly used to produce soccer shoes and motorbike suits, as well as for high fashion accessories and shoes.