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Good news for Australia and its animals: Versace bans kangaroo leather!

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Last Updated

January 14, 2020 Tuesday


While Australia is burning, good news for kangaroos come from Italy: Versace announces that it will no longer use kangaroo leather in its collections.

In a communication addressed to LAV, following to the launch of our campaign #SaveKangaroos, Versace confirms the ultimate ban of kangaroo leather, starting from its 2019 collection.

In a dossier released last October, we revealed the "secret" massacre of kangaroos in Australia - with over 2.3 million animals hunted every year - asking Italian companies that feed the import of products obtained by killing kangaroos, a public commitment to ban kangaroo leather (or meat) from their productions. We welcome Versace's announcement as a sign of responsibility, today more than ever: the fires that are devastating Australia, in fact, add up to the massacres of hunting, with dramatic consequences for the populations of kangaroos. 

For this reason, we renew our appeal to Italian companies, asking them to stand up against the Australian massacre, by stopping their use of kangaroo leather: a symbolic and extremely concrete action, to help saving the icon of the Australian continent from an unprecedented devastation.

For the same reason, in the past days we also we asked the Australian Government to stop the haunt to kangaroos, and to the Italian one,  to ban the import oh kangaroo leather.